miércoles, julio 12, 2006

AMLO is a dangerous one

After the thight result of mexican elections, the people of México still with the uncertain fear.

Someone once said Show me a good loser, and I will show you a loser, and I would add ask me for a bad loser and I will show you AMLO.

And that is the worst part, Democratic Revolution Party is full of people that can not believe that the have lost. During the whole electoral campaign, PRD candidate was questioned about how respectful he would be to the referee and the final results. And all the time he keeped the famous "yes, but" allowing him to proclame himself as a democrat but as well keeping the door opened for claiming an electoral fraud if the results were not favorable to him.

Many did pointed that he represented a risk to the country, since in his mesianic position, he was beyond everything, even the law. That was shown while he was Capitol City major, but even before that. AMLO would not be able to be candidate for DF on 2000 because he did not complied with residency requiste. But he used a mass media campain arguing that other parties were afraid to confront him on polls. So for democracy sake, his candidature was accepted. At the end he won by a short difference (around 5%). And that time IFE was an excellent institution. Now that he has lost the battle on the voting polls he claims that IFE is a fraudulent institution, and that he was robbed.

In my opinion he is just confirming what many mexicans have fear about him, that he is a dangerous person, and that the social peace is at danger whith his movements.